Moon School

A cross-curricular project that challenges students to design a groundbreaking school community on the moon, blending creativity and innovation.

Key Learning Objectives

Creative Thinking

Students will use their imagination and critical thinking to design various aspects of a moon-based school.


Students will work together, sharing ideas and combining their strengths to create a comprehensive vision.


The project can incorporate elements of science, technology, ethics, art, and language arts.

Enquiry & Dialogue

Students will reflect on what makes their current school experience positive and how these elements can be adapted for a school on the moon.

Creative Outcome

The final collaborative challenge is open-ended and allows teachers to choose one or more of the following activities or come up with their own relevant ideas.

School Diagram

Consider the lunar environment and create a detailed diagram or model of the school.

Uniform Logistics

Design a practical and functional school uniform suitable for the moon's conditions.

Ethics Debate

Engage in a live debate about the ethical considerations of educating children on the moon.

News Report

Produce a news report about the moon school, highlighting its significance and features.

School Rules

Develop a set of rules and guidelines for the moon school, considering the unique challenges of lunar life.